Should you buy digital lock Singapore or not?

Should you buy digital lock Singapore or not?

Digital door locks are a low-cost, simple-to-install security option for facilities that require a dependable form of access control but where the key or card distribution is impractical owing to the number of individuals entering and departing the facility. Buy digital lock Singapore that suits you. Digital locks are classified into two types:

Power is essential for electronic devices (either mains or batteries)

  • Mechanical – mechanically driven push button locks do not require any electricity.

Electronic digital locks are classified as follows:

  • To obtain admission, simply input a code on the electronic keypad.
  • Fingerprint recognition is an example of a biometric.
  • Smart Cards are mostly utilised in hotels and commercial buildings.


  • The security code is hidden. Normally, the keys are digitally encrypted.
  • Keys that have been misplaced are not an issue. Lost keys’ access permissions are simply withdrawn from the system. If that key is used fraudulently, the lock will not open.
  • There’s no need to keep an eye on your keys. Because, in actuality, your keys, cards, or finger will not unlock anything unless the access privileges are properly programmed.
  • Access privileges can be changed. The administration programme allows you to quickly and simply adjust the key’s access privileges. The digital lock is notified of the modifications.
  • Updates are made remotely. Many digital locks are linked to a network, allowing access privileges to be altered remotely.
  • Extremely secure systems. Mechanical locking methods are inherently insecure.

buy digital lock singapore


  • You may forget your PIN code for the lock, you don’t want to be changing the code.
  • When the lock is used too frequently, the coating may begin to peel away or mucky fingerprints may appear on the buttons. Maintain and clean the lock to prevent unauthorised parties from obtaining the code!
  • Certain digital door locks are powered by electricity, if your house or building experiences a power outage, the door lock will not function, preventing you from entering the building. Purchasing a mechanical or battery-powered lock will have no effect if there is a power outage.


They also give a keyless method to access commercial facilities, residences, and schools without having to carry a set of keys with you all the time. A single key (or a single finger!) holds the access rights for all the doors that need to be opened. So, buy digital lock Singapore that allows you to modify the PIN code; do not purchase locks that include a PIN code because the code can be discovered.

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